Episode 22. "God and the Transgender Debate" with Guest Dr. Andrew Walker
At the heart of the transgender debate is the issue of human dignity. Therefore, it is crucial that Christians should care about current public policy and firmly defend biblical principles that promote truth telling and human flourishing. In this episode we are joined by Dr. Andrew Walker. Together we discuss the overturn of Roe, how to think about current social and political issues from a biblical perspective, and what the average Christian should think of as their duty in the face of ethical issues such as abortion and transgenderism. Dr. Walker gives practical, compassionate advice on how we should think about gender, the call we have all been given for truth-telling, and what the landscape of religious liberty looks like now (and may look like in the future) as we engage with these pressing issues.
Liberty For All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age by Andrew Walker
God and the Transgender Debate by Andrew Walker
The Case for Life by Scott Klusendorf
The Transgender Fantasy: What I Wish Every Pastor Knew by Andrew Walker