All Things Bright and Beautiful is a podcast and website with episodes, blog posts, and other resources that we hope will encourage you to love God with heart, soul, and mind. Our desire is to equip and encourage you to read widely, think deeply, and engage in conversations that matter.
Reading widely, thinking deeply, and engaging in conversations that matter
Jenna DiPrima
Jenna is married to Alex and has three children: Dominic, Cami, and Judah. Jenna lives in Winston-Salem, NC and went to Clemson University and received a degree in English Literature. She went on to get a Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Over the years, Jenna has worked in administrative, discipleship and communications positions for several churches and she currently works for a church planting network called The Pillar Network. Jenna is a member of Emmanuel Church of Winston-Salem where her husband is a pastor. Jenna is passionate about equipping women to learn how to think theologically, study God’s Word, show hospitality, and disciple younger women. Jenna has written for 9 Marks, The Gospel Coalition, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love photography (I’ve actually had a photography business for many years!), reading a good book, and showing hospitality in my home. I also love listening to audiobooks and podcasts and travelling with my husband
Where is your favorite place you have travelled?
England! I studied abroad in London in college and have been back to England several times since then with my husband.
What is your favorite book?
It’s impossible to pick just one! I’ll choose two: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
Lydia Schaible
Lydia is married to Burk, and together they have four children whom she educates at home. Lydia is originally from the Pacific Northwest, and graduated from George Fox University with a Bachelors of Arts in Biblical Studies and a minor in Philosophy. She spent a number of years working in a variety of non-profits addressing the needs of at-risk children, women facing unplanned pregnancies, and refugees. Her experiences therein led her to a passion for the marriage of orthodoxy and orthopraxy and their expression through the home through hospitality and educational philosophy. She is eager to encourage others toward biblical literacy, and to normalize hospitality and edifying friendships within the local church. She currently lives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and is a member of Emmanuel Church. Lydia has written for Fierce Parenting and For the Church.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Ever since my mom taught me to read it has been my favorite pastime, and like C.S. Lewis said, I feel like I can never find a book long enough to suit me. As a family we love being outside, hiking, swimming, and climbing. My husband and I fell in love over adventures and it seems to still be our favorite way to spend time together, and now we get to share them with our wildly adventurous kids.
Where is your favorite place you have travelled?
That’s so hard to choose, there are so many beautiful places. But the place I’ve probably felt the most kinship with is Prague, Czech Republic. That city will always occupy a special place in my heart.
What is your favorite book?
I don’t think I can ever pick just one book, so I’ll cheat and choose 3:
The Brothers Karamazov By Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot
A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliot