Reading Guide for “Lit”

Our hope is that each of our podcast episodes will encourage you to read and discuss the books we cover in your communities and circles of influence. We will come up with a reading guide for each book we talk about in order to foster discussions amongst you and your friends. So, we encourage you to read the book in the episode and to use the questions below to talk about it with another friend or a group of friends! You can listen to Episode 1 “On Reading and ‘Lit’ by Tony Reinke” here.

You can also print a pdf version here.

1.     What was “Lit!” about? What did you think about the book?

2.     Why should Christians read? Does the Bible require us to read?

3.     What distinguishes reading from other forms of information intake? Is it important to read books, and not just news or blogs, why? 

4.     How do we decide what books to read?

5.     What are a few books you hope to read this year and why?

6.     Should we only read “Christian” books? Why or why not?

7.     What are the benefits of reading Christian books?

8.     Should we read old books? Why or why not?

9.     What obstacles keep us from reading?

10.  How do we get the most out of our reading and how can we become better readers?

11.  How can we encourage one another to be better readers?

12.  How can we instill a love of reading in women? 

13.  How can we instill a love of reading in our children?

14. Is there anything else that stood out to you in the book?


Stewarding the Gift of Literacy