Reading Guide for “Gentle and Lowly”

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Our hope is that each of our podcast episodes will encourage you to read and discuss the books we cover in your communities and circles of influence. We will come up with a reading guide for each book we talk about in order to foster discussions amongst you and your friends. So, we encourage you to read the book in the episode and to use the questions below to talk about it with another friend or a group of friends! You can listen to Episode 3: “What is Jesus Like? ‘Gentle & Lowly’ by Dane Orlund” here.

  1. Why do you think this book has been so well received by such a wide audience? What do you think about the book?

  2. How is Jesus described? What stands out to you or surprises you about this description? Why do we find it so hard to think of Christ this way?

  3. How should we think about the mercy and wrath of Christ? Are they in conflict with one another?

  4. Is it possible to emphasize the love of Christ too much?

  5. How should this book impact the way we think and talk about Christ?

  6. How should we think about the emotional life of God?

  7. How do we deal with unrepentant sin in light of this book?

  8. What does it mean when Christians say we do not come to a religion or doctrine or set of rules but to a person?

  9. Does Ortlund address the tension in the Christian life that demands both the obedience of “working out our salvation with fear and trembling” and resting in Christ?

  10. What do you make of the fact that Ortlund quotes so many puritans on the love of Christ? What can we learn from the puritans?

  11. Did anything else stand out to you in the book?


Reading Guide for “The Screwtape Letters”


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